Hey there!
My name is Scott Hansen. I’m the creator and host of Success Hackers: Cracking the Entrepreneurial Code.
Success Hackers isn’t your typical podcast. You’ll get the opportunity to learn from some of the most successful Entrepreneurs on the planet; listening to these amazing men/women share successful shortcuts (“hacks”) on how they got to be so successful.
By learning from their failures, AH-HA moments, and successes, you can start to design YOUR life and take MASSIVE ACTION! Whether you’re someone who’s working in a “job”, and looking to branch off on your own and become a business owner, OR you’re already an entrepreneur, and you’re looking to take your business to the next level; this show is for you!
Not only is Success Hackers all about inspiring YOU to take YOUR entrepreneurial leap, but to also show you certain short-cuts that can help you climb your Success Mountain in shorter time! My goal is to create “Hacker Nation”; a community of entrepreneurs who are ready to start playing BIG, create a LEGACY, and elevate their business to a NEW LEVEL. We’ll be providing the Success Hacks. It’s up to YOU to take MASSIVE ACTION!
I’d like to tell you that my journey was a successful straight line, and that it was a piece of cake, butttt, then I would be lying.
After graduating college, the only thing I wanted was a big house, fancy cars, and take amazing vacations.
I figured the best thing to do was get into corporate sales. I had a fairly successful sales career; winning Rookie of the Year in one company, and being rated as one of the Top Reps in another company. The problem was, these jobs didn’t exactly “light me up”.
Even though I had some minor successes, I was always searching to find my purpose and passion in my business/career…..maybe you can relate.
Working in the corporate world, I felt trapped. I knew I was meant to impact the world, and do something really huge with my life. The problem was I didn’t know what that purpose and passion was. I always loved helping people, speaking to groups, and making a difference. I wasn’t exactly sure how or when, but I knew someday that I would be surrounded by successful individuals who were living a life of passion and purpose; entrepreneurs who actually “created and designed” their life, rather than letting life just happen TO them.
I’ve always been a believer in faith, personal development, and growing yourself into a better person. The saying goes, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”.
I was still in corporate sales, but knew that this was my time to take the proverbial “entrepreneurial leap of faith”. I had the good fortune of meeting a mentor of mine at the perfect time in my life. Sam and I had similar backgrounds and shared similar corporate stories. He too had a dream to become an entrepreneur, create his destiny, and have the luxury of spending more time with family, rather than always being at work.
You see, I’ve always been fascinated by the JOURNEY; how someone was able to go from relatively unknown, to being able to create a business/life of excitement, purpose and massive success.
Whenever I would step into a Barnes and Noble or read articles online, I would always gravitate toward the autobiographies of successful individuals who followed their passion, found their purpose, and was able to create a life that most people could only dream of.
I told Sam that I wanted to add value, impact people, and share
success strategies that I’ve learned over time. Sam introduced me to his Podcast, and the success he’s had with his show. I had no idea what Podcasting was, but I knew I needed to learn.
I instantly knew I was meant for this. I knew this was a platform that I could use to impact people from all over the world. BOOM!!
Once I committed to Success Hackers, there was no turning back. I thoroughly enjoy every second of every day. One of my greatest joys is to “awaken the giant within you”; to have you realize that you were put on the Earth to PLAY BIG.
My goal is to provide as much value as possible and hopefully gain followers and fans that were benefiting from the content I’m providing.
We want to impact as many people as possible with this show, and you can help! Please SHARE this show with others, as well as leave comments.
If you like what you’re hearing on Success Hackers, I would be very appreciative of your rating and review in iTunes, which will allow the show to reach an even greater audience. I will make sure to thank you by name for your (hopefully) 5-star review on an upcoming show!
Be Great Today~