Branding expert, Jeremy Miller shares how to build a winning brand that makes money with these (3) key metrics.
Jeremy Miller is a Brand Builder, Keynote Speaker, and president of Sticky Branding. Jeremy helps companies stand out, challenge the giants of their industry, and grow Sticky Brands. He is the bestselling author of Sticky Branding: 12.5 Principles to Stand Out, Attract Customers & Grow an Incredible Brand.
Passion Play:
Helping organizations and companies develop brilliant strategies to make their business stand out, attract customers and ultimately move the sales needle. I do that by speaking in events, consulting and writing.
Fail Forward:
Failures are daily things for the entrepreneurs. No matter what is the failure, one should not get discouraged and have to go forward. My most recent problem was related to the publishing of my new book.
Lightbulb Moment:
It came out of my customers – who needed help with their marketing strategy. That need of my clients paved the way to my new business portfolio.
Success Hack:
Choose the message to your clients very carefully. Advertise them in a way that you get distinguished from the competition.
Randomness Round:
What is your favorite daily habit: Go for a walk every morning!
Business Book I Would Recommend “Crossing the Chasm” by Geoffrey Moore
Favorite Social Media Tool I use: CoSchedule