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As the creator of Success Hackers, my goal for this show is to inspire current and future entrepreneurs to take the lid OFF your thinking, start playing BIG in your business, and realize that your message matters. I'm excited for you to be taking this journey with me! ~Enjoy the Show

Peter Lynch

Digital Fridge App creator and Ted-Ex speaker, Peter Lynch, shares how to “get sticks” in life and business.

Peter Lynch has been an executive with multiple Fortune 500 companies, but perhaps what sets him apart is that he’s managed to carve out success in both the cubicle and the coffee shop, because he’s also an entrepreneur. His app Digital Fridge has been downloaded in more than 70 countries, and was twice a finalist, once a winner for Denver’s Hottest Startup.  Peter is also a TEDx speaker and has recently completed a successful crowd-funding campaign to launch his first book, “The Culdesac Startup”.

Fail Forward:

After failing at winning a $10 million bid, Peter learns a valuable lesson

Lightbulb Moment:

It was when I realized that there is not such a thing as an overnight business success. Long-term achievements take continuous investments in self-development and dedication. Personal qualities are like road signs, following the right signs will take you to the right destination.

Success Hack:

Start thinking about ways on how to get things done quicker

Randomness Round:

What is your hidden talent? Technical acumen.

Business Book: “Fred Factor” by John Maxwell/Mark Sanborn

Social Media Tool: The 5 (journaling tool)

Peter Lynch