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As the creator of Success Hackers, my goal for this show is to inspire current and future entrepreneurs to take the lid OFF your thinking, start playing BIG in your business, and realize that your message matters. I'm excited for you to be taking this journey with me! ~Enjoy the Show

Andrea Goulet

Andrea Goulet talks about the importance of Promise Base Leadership when growing your company

Andrea Goulet is the CEO of Corgibytes, a software development shop dedicated to maintaining and modernizing software applications. Named by LinkedIn as one of the top ten professionals in software under 35, Andrea is also the founder of LegacyCode.Rocks,  and hosts a podcast dedicated to changing the way we think about legacy code. She keynotes frequently about building a business based on balance, empathy, and trust; the perils of the technical/non-technical divide; and the technical philosophies around working with legacy code.

Lightbulb Moment:

It was when I realized the importance of Promise Based Leadership. Its main philosophy is that you are not managing tasks but promises made to people. That model put the foundation of trust in my business.

Success Hack:

Understand and implement Promise Based Leadership in order to stand apart from your competition.

Randomness Round:

What advice would your current self give your 25 year old self? Keep adding! Remember that all of your experiences will come together.


Social Media Tool: LinkedIn
Business Book: “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown

Andrea Goulet