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As the creator of Success Hackers, my goal for this show is to inspire current and future entrepreneurs to take the lid OFF your thinking, start playing BIG in your business, and realize that your message matters. I'm excited for you to be taking this journey with me! ~Enjoy the Show

Toni Harris

Turnaround queen, Toni Harris, shares how to get D.R.A.S.T.I.C results by building a loyal network of high performers.

Toni Harris, business extraordinaire, coach and speaker, is the Turnaround Queen®. Toni specializes in email and social media marketing and sales, coaching her small business clients to achieve drastic results in their marketing strategies to increase revenue and profitability.

Passion Play:

Fixing the mistakes entrepreneurs make. One the most often seen mistake is that they do not know the essence of their business. Another one, very unimaginable, is that a lot of small companies are not aware of the power of modern technologies. Listen to find out more facts…

Fail Forward:

A thorny point for me was when my husband passed away. My business collapsed and I had to make very difficult decisions. I said to myself ‘you are not going to give up’ – the courage of this thought gave me enough energy and courage to overcome my struggles.

Lightbulb Moment:

When I started my speaking business I wanted to be on the big stages and making a lot of money, but very soon I have found that it is extremely difficult. Then I had the ‘aha’ moment – I could use all my contacts to promote my brand directly – instead of targeting them the way big sharks do…

Success Hack:

Build your network!

Randomness Round:

What advice would your current self would give your 25 years old self? Build a business that will pay you over and over again.

Toni Harris