Franchise creator, Hossein Kasmai, teaches how to franchise your business.
Hossein Kasmai is known as the franchise creator. He has extensive experience in the field of franchising, founding many franchise concepts of his own including Guard-A-Kid, founded in 2005.By 2010, only five years after its initial launch, Guard-A-Kid expanded to over 175 franchises in 11 countries worldwide (before Hossein sold it). This franchise creator now helps other entrepreneurs decide when to franchise and teaches them how to franchise successfully. Hossein’s franchise concept has been ranked among the top 500 franchises for 6 years in a row and ranked in the top 10 new franchises…
Lightbulb Moment:
I realized you can’t be in multiply places when working on your businesses. The best way to have a very productive presence of your business in distant places is to franchise it. Since then, I am in the amazing world of the franchising.
Success Hack:
Get in the race. Quit waiting on the sidelines
Randomness Round:
What is your hidden talent? Perseverance…
Social Media Tool: Getting to know social media influencers
Business Book: Business journals: Entrepreneur magazine and Franchise Times
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