Profile Picture
As the creator of Success Hackers, my goal for this show is to inspire current and future entrepreneurs to take the lid OFF your thinking, start playing BIG in your business, and realize that your message matters. I'm excited for you to be taking this journey with me! ~Enjoy the Show

Matt Linklater

What do Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos have in common? Matt Linklater shares a wealth building strategy to help business owners grow…

Matt Linklater is the owner of Link Business Solutions.  He lives a passion for helping business owners create Financial Freedom by giving them a roadmap for success. He has over 18 years of experience meeting and interviewing over 13,000 financial advisors to bring to you a unique approach that you will not get from your current advisors, accountants, CPAs. He prides himself on teaching businesses all over the world about money, how money works, and how to get money to work better for them. He puts your money back into your business and securing your family’s financial future. He’s written 5 books, and his work has been seen in Inc, NBC, CBS, Fox…

Success Hack:

– Model successful people
– If you’re not growing, your dying…

Randomness Round:

What is your favorite daily habit: I meditate…

Social Media Tool: Infusionsoft

Business Book:
“The Master Key System” by Charles Haanel
“A New Earth” by Eckart Tolle

Matt Linklater