Turnaround queen, Toni Harris, shares how to get D.R.A.S.T.I.C results by building a loyal network of high performers.
Toni Harris, business extraordinaire, coach and speaker, is the Turnaround Queen®. Toni specializes in email and social media marketing and sales, coaching her small business clients to achieve drastic results in their marketing strategies to increase revenue and profitability.
Passion Play:
Fixing the mistakes entrepreneurs make. One the most often seen mistake is that they do not know the essence of their business. Another one, very unimaginable, is that a lot of small companies are not aware of the power of modern technologies. Listen to find out more facts…
Fail Forward:
A thorny point for me was when my husband passed away. My business collapsed and I had to make very difficult decisions. I said to myself ‘you are not going to give up’ – the courage of this thought gave me enough energy and courage to overcome my struggles.
Lightbulb Moment:
When I started my speaking business I wanted to be on the big stages and making a lot of money, but very soon I have found that it is extremely difficult. Then I had the ‘aha’ moment – I could use all my contacts to promote my brand directly – instead of targeting them the way big sharks do…
Success Hack:
Build your network!
Randomness Round:
What advice would your current self would give your 25 years old self? Build a business that will pay you over and over again.